First-Year Applicants

How to Apply

If you are applying to DU as an international student, 你需要采取一些步骤来确保你的申请是完整的. 我们将根据你所在国家的教育体系审查你的学业成绩,确保你具备在yzcca88游戏登录网址学习的必要背景. We want to make sure that you are prepared for success, and we are here to help you through every step of the application process.​

If your native language is not English, 除了其他申请材料外,你还需要证明你的英语语言能力. You can demonstrate English proficiency with a qualifying test score, or by qualifying for an exemption.

If you have any questions, contact your admission counselor.

Application Checklist

Submit Your Application

Choose a deadline

  1. Nov. 1 for Early Decision I and Early Action
  2. Jan. 15 for Early Decision II and Regular Decision

What's the difference between the deadline options?

  1. Early Decision 如果你被录取,你和学校之间是否有约束力的协议. You can only apply Early Decision to one school, and if you're accepted to DU via Early Decision, you must withdraw your applications from other institutions. You should only apply Early Decision if you're sure you want to be a DU student.
  2. Early Action and Regular Decision 是不具约束力的申请,你可以在截止日期前申请任意多所学校吗.

Fill out your application

  1. We accept the Common Application.
  2. The application includes an essay requirement.

Submit the application fee

  1. The application requires a $65 nonrefundable application fee.
    1. To pay online, please log back into your Common Application account.
    2. You can also pay by U.S. 支票或汇票,抬头是yzcca88游戏登录网址,并邮寄给本科招生.
    3. If you're facing financial hardship, you can apply for a fee waiver. 这些申请是根据具体情况而定的,需要学校官员核实支付申请费是否会对你和你的家庭造成负担. To apply for a fee waiver, fill out the top part of the fee waiver form. Next, have your school official (counselor, teacher, principal, etc.) fill out the bottom part and send it to our office via e-mail at
    4. 对于美国境内的申请人,我们可能会接受来自信誉良好的来源的额外费用减免,例如 NACAC.

Submit Your Supporting Materials

Test scores (Optional)

  1. Academic performance is the most important factor in our admission process. 然而,我们是一所考试制大学,提交考试成绩是你的选择. If you choose to submit your SAT and/or ACT scores, 它们将与你的其他申请材料一起被考虑录取和优秀奖学金. Please be sure to review exceptions on this page.
  2. 使用以下代码通过College Board或ACT提交考试成绩(可选):
    1. SAT Code: 4842
    2. ACT Code: 0534
  3. We do not consider subject test or writing sections.
  4. Super score: If you’ve taken either test more than once, we’ll combine the best sub-scores to create your best possible composite result.
  5. If you receive an application fee waiver, 你可以选择上传ACT和/或SAT考试成绩到你的申请状态页面. Simply log into your account 选择“学生提交考试成绩”材料上传类型,并通过我们的网站发送您的正式考试成绩. You may also email us at 一旦我们核实了成绩报告,我们将完成您申请的考试成绩要求. Please note this process may take 24-48 hours to complete.

Send your transcript

  1. 联系你的每一所中学或高中,让他们把你的正式成绩单用单独的密封信封寄到国际学生招生处.
    1. 如果你的成绩单是其他语言的,我们要求你提供经过认证的英语翻译.
  2. Your high school counselor can send your transcript electronically through Naviance or the Common Application.

Alternatively, your counselor can mail your transcript to this address:
International Student Admission
University of Denver
University Hall
2197 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80208-9401

Send your letters of recommendation

  1. 我们需要看你老师或学校辅导员的推荐信. If possible, 请确保这些信件包括你的班级排名和其他有用的学术测量信息.
  2. Counselors can use the Common Application Secondary School Report, the NACAC Secondary School Report form or a personal letter.
  3. 欢迎你提交那些最了解你、能说明你的学术能力和个人素质的人(老师)的额外信件, a coach, etc.). These letters are optional.
  4. You can submit a ZeeMee ZeeMee是一项免费服务,旨在帮助学生通过照片突出你的个人故事,使他们的申请栩栩如生, video and text). This is optional, but if you'd like to include it, 只需复制并粘贴你的ZeeMee链接到你的yzcca88游戏登录网址申请.

Additional Steps

English Proficiency Requirements

  1. We accept scores from one of the following as proof of English proficiency:
    1. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
    2. IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
    3. DET (Duolingo English Test)
    4. CAE (Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English)
  2. Please ensure you send your test scores at least one month before enrollment.
  3. For more information, visit our English Proficiency page.


您可以选择在提交成功的英语水平分数后完成面试. 这有助于我们更好地评估你的英语水平,并更多地了解你作为一个学生和一个人. We believe in a whole-person approach to admission decisions, and we want to know as much about you as we can. You can choose from two options for completing your interview:

  1. Vericant
  2. InitialView

Check your application status

You can use our online tool to check the status of your application.

Pay your deposit

If you have been accepted to DU and you want to enroll as a student, submit your deposit online to confirm your spot.

Submit your deposit

Extra Steps

  • Early Decision Applicants
  • Students over 24 years old

    如果你已经高中毕业三年或三年以上,而且你之前没有任何大学学分, you can apply through the Common Application. 你也可以选择提交雇主的推荐信.

  • Home schooled students

    If you're a home schooled student, 你可以使用上面列出的申请流程,你可以申请杜有或没有SAT和/或ACT标准化考试成绩. 但是,你需要提交一封非家庭成员的推荐信.

  • Students attending a non-graded school

    如果你是一名就读于不提供字母或数字成绩的非分级高中的学生, you are required to submit official ACT or SAT scores with your application. 

    • Due to COVID -19, 对于无法参加标准化考试的学生,我们将根据具体情况进行评估.
  • GED students

    请提交高中成绩单副本,显示所有已完成的课程. 你需要提交一封推荐信,最好是以前的老师或辅导员写的.

  • Music majors

    If you are applying to be a music student, 你需要提交一份拉蒙特音乐学院的补充申请. You will receive this after you've submitted your Common Application. You will also be required to submit an audition or portfolio. All music applicants must apply for the Regular Decision deadline. Contact the Lamont School of Music with any questions.

  • Art/design majors

    If you are applying to a BFA program, you must submit a portfolioContact the Art Department if you have questions. 

  • Business majors

    大多数对就读丹尼尔斯商学院感兴趣的学生将直接被他们选择的课程录取. Some students will be asked to start at DU as a pre-business student, 并在完成第一年的学业后申请丹尼尔斯学院.

  • Fee Waivers

    If you're facing financial hardship, you can apply for a fee waiver. 这些申请是根据具体情况而定的,需要学校官员核实支付申请费是否会对你和你的家庭造成负担.

    To apply for a fee waiver:

    1. Fill out the top part of the fee waiver form.
    2. Next, have your school official (counselor, teacher, principal, etc.) fill out the bottom part and send it to our office via e-mail at
    3. 对于美国境内的申请人,我们可能会接受来自信誉良好的来源的额外费用减免,例如 NACAC.
