
What are Honorific Awards?

Honorific awards are fellowships, memberships, 赞誉, 和/or prizes that are bestowed by associations external to the University to recognize excellence in teaching, 研究, 和 service. 

honorifics model chart

The Office of Research 和 Sponsored Programs (ORSP) has dedicated staff to support to our faculty through the Honorifics process.


Please view our Honorifics Logic Model to gain additional insight into how our goals 和 efforts work to support the University 和 its faculty. 

教师 Benefits

Here are a few of the many benefits of honorific awards:

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    Recognition, prestige, 和 increased visibility.

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    Networking 和 collaboration opportunities.

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    Exp和ed opportunities for travel, residencies, 和 fellowships.

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    资源 to continue your 研究.

  • * Adapted from NC State's External 教师 Awards program.

Administrative Office Building

How Can We Help?

Some ways we can assist include: 

  • Honorific award identification  
  • Future honorific goal mapping
  • Liaison with awarding groups
  • Writing support
  • Submission management 

We are here to support you on your journey. ca88登录正确网址 to address any questions you may have. 

ORSP - External Honorifics 工作人员

苏珊 Petersen


(303) 871-7829

Communications Coordinator, External Honorifics

Audry LaCrone


(303) 871-4045

Manager, Communications